Home Page arrow Top Player Lists arrow 2009 arrow April 2009

Top Age 15 regardless of Country, Residence, or Federation April 2009

1Lee, Michael (12858009)15WAUSA2385
2Zierk, Steven C (12796611)15CAUSA2311
3Shen, Victor C (12809707)15NJUSA2306
4Jiang, Louie (13289038)15*FOR*CAN2293
5Holt, Conrad (12937909)15KSUSA2288
6Getz, Alec (12805454)15NYUSA2282
7Tanaka, Christian T (12870021)15CAUSA2237
8He, Tianyi (13039657)15CAUSA2229
9Sturt, Raven M (12836880)15NYUSA2195
10Chen, Howard (12864719)15WAUSA2179
11Korley, Kassa (12832679)15NYUSA2177
12Dahl, Matthew D (12907857)15MNUSA2157
13Zhang, Kevin (12798475)15AZUSA2145
Shvartsman, Andrew Nathaniel (12812851)15NJUSA2145
15Rosen, Eric S (12853959)15ILUSA2131
16Balkum, Alexander (12780751)15TXUSA2128
17Vilenchuk, Michael Boris (12811395)15OHUSA2118
18Powell, Mitchell (13035461)15TXUSA2113
19Wang, Eigen (12867312)15NYUSA2111
20Leve, Nitai D (12796261)15NYUSA2106
21Tuhrim, Richard J (12782429)15NYUSA2087
22Landesman, Aaron (12913985)15NYUSA2086
23Markovits, Alex (12929199)15OHUSA2081
24Dai, Yang (12897613)15VAUSA2071
25Manvelyan, Hayk (12848071)15CAUSA2066
26Gershenov, Ben (12831900)15NYUSA2062
27Moore, Quentin R (12789364)15VAUSA2052
28Gay, Daniel Zachary (12832272)15ORUSA2050
29Mackinnon, Keith (13205383)15*FOR*CAN2048
30Williams, John M (12845939)15AZUSA2044
31Most, Eric M (12912687)15VAUSA2038
32Thompson, Nick (13233543)15AZUSA2037
33Rozhansky, Lior (12825910)15MAUSA2031
34Pan, Hongkai (13231703)15WIUSA2022
35Auger, Michael W (12860543)15ILUSA2021
36Gurczak, John (12865743)15AZUSA2012
Lozano, Andrew Nathanael (13417670)15TXUSA2012
38Weiner, Alex (12894487)15ALUSA1995
Xue, Robert (13176186)15CAUSA1995
40Yang, Felix M (12879870)15MAUSA1994
41Daly, Chaz (12785817)15FLUSA1993
Thompson, Seth Windell (12911188)15TXUSA1993
43Orlowski, Jesse N (12841890)15CAUSA1992
44Liu, Jennie S (12830124)15NJUSA1990
45Christianson, Michael A (12910442)15GAUSA1987
46Huang, Richard (13565680)15*FOR*CAN1980
47Chen, Tony (12738081)15UTUSA1958
Perez, Jesus (12887794)15NYUSA1958
49Dussik, Jon (12769640)15AZUSA1951
Iglesias, Enmanuel (13650003)15FLUSA1951
51Dubin, Joshua (12765381)15ILUSA1946
52Lessler, Peter (13010758)15WAUSA1945
53Guo, Gill Y (12857398)15MDUSA1940
54Ummel, Igor (12851589)15WAUSA1938
55Wong, Joseph Chun-Him (12889927)15TXUSA1936
56Kaufman, David G (12870097)15MDUSA1932
57Lu, Eric (12859296)15TXUSA1929
58Williams, Jonathan David (12772920)15NYUSA1928
Suich, Peter D (12779311)15TNUSA1928
60Huang, Kevin (12835663)15NCUSA1926
61Litvak, Eve V (12799901)15NJUSA1925
62Miller, Jake S (12814700)15NYUSA1924
63Horobetz, Graham Scott (12800231)15TNUSA1917
64Neel, Seth (12815015)15RIUSA1913
65Karas, Nicholas (12925720)15CAUSA1911
66Panikkar, Manoj (12828927)15AZUSA1907
Nazario, Marc Christian (13067116)15WIPHI1907
68Oet, Jacob (12911360)15OHUSA1906
Zhang, Kelly (13039663)15CAUSA1906
70Pham, Dan K (12871897)15FLUSA1905
71Meduri, Aakaash (12834788)15ILUSA1901
72Chillakanti, Mukund (12803861)15CAUSA1900
73Peavy, Fletcher S (12816622)15AZUSA1899
Umakantha, Akash (12907104)15OHUSA1899
75Sugino, Christopher Edward (12764310)15NYUSA1888
76Hendrickson, Nolan R (13547552)15WIUSA1882
77Liou, Arthur (12906142)15CAUSA1874
78Wang, Austin Jeffrey (12782400)15NJUSA1868
79Sun, Terrence (13039678)15CAUSA1864
80Deolalikar, Sunil (12760637)15CAUSA1861
81Lian, Charlie Xy (12846713)15NJUSA1859
82Modlin, Trey (12803731)15OHUSA1850
83Dasari, Vishal R (12857550)15CAUSA1849
84Powell, Alexander E (12917866)15MNUSA1839
85Narula, Gautam R (12928544)15GAUSA1838
86Weiss, Loren E (12853679)15NYUSA1836
87Manber, Devon (12820664)15WAUSA1832
88Countryman, Zachary P (12904287)15WAUSA1827
89Wai, Brian A (12917687)15CAUSA1826
90Lee, Richard (12879937)15NVUSA1821
91Polsky, Ryan (12846935)15CAUSA1820
92Scarpati, Carl (13029075)15FLUSA1817
93Grant, Jasmine (13035090)15NYUSA1812
94Liu, Rebekah (12933645)15CAUSA1806
95Fang, Zhou (13131376)15TXUSA1804
96Finneran, Michael Decarli (13032476)15CTUSA1799
97Cotter, Samuel (12824495)15AZUSA1792
98Franke, Paul L (12807694)15TXUSA1791
99Moore, Kenzie L (13028820)15SCUSA1789
100Nicholas, Jesse (12872878)15MAUSA1783
These Top 100 lists are updated every month by the United States Chess Federation. As of the June 2014 list, ages will be as of the first day of the month in which those ratings become official. For example, ages for the December lists will be as of December 1. (For Top 100 lists prior to June 2014, ages are as of the first day of the previous month.)

Ratings shown are the official US Chess ratings for the month indicated, which are generated on the third Wednesday of the month before they become official. Only current US Chess members with established ratings and ratings activity in the last year are shown. Please contact us if you have questions about these lists.
